Provided is the midpoint formula. Each problem will contain two sets of points, for example: (-1,2), (3,-1). Point the points into the formula and find its coordinates.



1. F is the midpoint between E(-6,3) and G(3,7). Find its coordinates.

2. B is the midpoint between A(-1,3) and C(-3,5). Find its coordinates.

3. E is the midpoint between D(-3,1) and F(3,5). Find its coordinates.

4. H is the midpoint between G(-1,2) and I(2,-1). Find its coordinates.

5. K is the midpoint between the points J(-10,3) and L(3,4). Find its coordinates.

6. N is the midpoint between the points M(-3,6), and O(-2,5). Find its coordinates.

7. Q is the midpoint between P(-1/2,3) and R(4,-1). Find its coordinates.

8. T is the midpoint between the points S(-3,4) and U(-1,2). Find its coordinates.

9. W is the midpoint between the points V(3,-1) and X(-5,3). Find its coordinates.

10. Y is the midpoint between the points X(-5,10) and Z(-2,7). Find its coordinates.


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