Slope intercept to Standard Form


(y=mx+ b)                    (Ax+By=C)

¨ First:  Make sure that the equation you are given

is in the correct form:  y= mx+b

(where m= slope, b= y intercept, and the y & x  remain variables.)

¨The rules of standard form: Ax+ By=C  

(where A, B, and C are all numerical values and x & y remain  variables.)

W A must always be positive.

W Neither A nor B can be fractions.

W What you do to one side you must do to the other too!

¨To convert slope intercept è   standard form:

Start by moving the mx to the opposite side of the equation,

to be with  y.  Simply subtract mx from both sides:

y =  mx + b

-mx  -mx

resulting in…  -mx+y=b (same as … -Ax + y= C)

· Next you must get rid of the negative in front of the A (m).

Simply multiply all the numbers by (-) :

-Ax + y=C (same as… -mx+y=b)

-(-Ax+y=C) ê Ax-y=-C

¨ If your original slope (m) is a fraction:

follow the steps above (move mx to opposite side and

get rid of negative if needed):

y= -mx+b ê mx+y=b

y= mx+b ê -mx+y=b ê mx-y=-b

· Now get rid of the fraction by multiplying each number

by the fraction’s denominator:

(3/4)x+y=2ê 4(3/4x+y=2) ê 3x+4y=8

¨ Now here are a couple of examples to help you out a little more. 

Pay close attention to positive, negatives, and fractions:

h slope intercept: y= (1/2)x-7 ê

-(1/2)x+y=-7 ê

(1/2)x-y=7  ê

standard form: x-2y= 14

h slope intercept: y=-9x+3

standard form: 9x+y= 3

Way to go! Now continue on your goal of

filling in your other wholes!!